Podo-orthosis is the conception and manufacturing of foot equipment : orthopedic shoes, soles, heel supports…
There’s no proper training to become a podo-orthotist in Palestina. The knowledge and production in this area is therefore not very spread but you can find the raw materials and the machinery.
One of the aims of the project is to train the paramedics on the spot.
There are various pathologies : not many war trauma, but a lot of cases of hemiplegia especially in pediatrics, and cutaneous problems due to diabetes (malum perforans pedis)…
Two different goals are aimed in this Humanitarian project. On one hand orthopedic equipment is produced and on the other hand we see the need to train people to transmit our knowledge as well as introducing local paramedics to the profession. Lectures as well as workshops will be organized.
Any help from a second podo-orthotist is welcome. The trip to Palestina could be very formative for any podo-orthotist student too !