West Bank time !
Generally, we’re asked to be at Askar refugee camp around 9.30 am or 10am so that the patients get there one after the other. Yet, when you’re actually there, forget about any time people have given you and just let go of what an appointment should be. Indeed, the three of us go to the center around 10am and find a consultation room full with people : a dozen young people were waiting for us, along with their mothers. Apparently, the waiting room is not something they’re used to either !
We saw patients in the morning, those were suffering from flat feet (hyperlaxity) and other problems like “épines calcanéennes”, etc. The whole camp is now aware we’re here and there’s a line in front of the consultation room. As for Martin, he has seen several female patients for therapies linked with lower back pains. What is interesting and nice is we now enjoy an atmosphere that is full of confidence between the patients and us. Indeed, we could feel some distrust towards us from some patients two days ago when we first started. And now the neighbours of these very patients are coming to us !
West Bank hospitality
At some point, a patient of ours left with his child after the consultation and came back a few minutes later, carrying a tray with tea cups. It was such a quaint yet surprising scene ! At 3pm, we were offered a break and a lunch at the nursery school manager’s. It was simply delicious.
During our morning consultations, François wanted to go on visiting the camp and he could only walk for 10 meters before a local came to talk to him and invited him to a nice cup of coffee. He came back an hour later with his camera full with beautiful portraits.
8pm… I quickly finish this article before seeing 3 patients at their places in the old center of Nablus. Martin is seeing two of them here, at our hotel. People now come directly to our hotel for therapies at night ! Let’s go (Yallah !)
Pierre Durrmann