Historical review
Mr Pierre Durrmann went on his first three week trip to Palestina in summer 2012. He visited mainly two cities in the north of Palestina called Naplouse and Jenine. The aim of the journey was to consider the needs of the population in the orthopedic area and produce all kind of equipment (orthopedic shoes, orthopedic soles, heel supports…) as well as human and technical utilities necessary for a potential project on a long term.
The main action was based in a refugee camp named ASKAR in Naplouse where 5000 people live on a surface of 1000km2. The assessment turned out to be very positive considering the possibilities to open an office in order to create orthopedic equipment. During this first trip quite a few patients have been examined and over thirty orthopedic equipment were produced.
The ASKAR association was created to structure and supervise our project. It just seemed logic that other medical and paramedical professions joined us. So did Martin Durrmann, a physiotherapist student in his third year. He wants to link both, his school in Eckartsweier (Germany) with the refugee camp Askar, so that other students can come and offer their help.
In parallel to the paramedical project, a more cultural and artistic project was created as well. A journalist, Laura Pertuy and a professional photographer, François Lehmann will collaborate with the paramedical project. The aim is to publish a book and do an exhibition with the pictures shot during our stay in Palestina.
In charge are :
Pierre Durrmann – podo orthotist – president
Laura Pertuy – journalist – vice-president
François Lehmann – photographer – treasurer
Martin Durrmann – physiotherapist – secretary